Happy Hallowe'en from the Roadsters! No candy for them - the last thing they needed tonight was sugar - but the thought was there. Here's a pic from today's set-up. We expanded the pen today and added in some climbing equipment, a holding blind, a plank, a wobble board and another potty box to make sure they could always find one when needed. They did really well! No one has ventured down the slide yet, bur many made it to the top of the climbing structure. I was always sorry that the pups were born at the end of September and wouldn't be able to swim. Well, we went for a field walk this afternoon that happened to go by the pond. It certainly wasn't our intention but some pups followed Bon and Cajun in for their first swims. Brrrr! It was dang cold out! Luckily, the pond is right beside the house so once they were done, we could get them dry and inside. Still, how cool is that? :-) Some of the new puppy owners who will be flying their pups home have sent us their sherpas so we can get the pups used to them ahead of time. Looks like Emmy is looking for a little holiday! And, here's a preview of tomorrow's digs. We had fun tonight!
What did we do today?
We had breakfast in the house and a good romp in the indoor pen and some free play in the kitchen while we set it up. About 9 we headed to the barn with hit and miss results on t he following. We played in Adventure-land for most of the day, interrupted by a walk, a noon meal and dinner. We did some recall work too. The tunnel is hugely popular - they love running in and out chasing each other. And it's a geat place to nap! The Bosu ball and bottle pool remains popular. A few more figured out the stairs and the ramp up to the cot. We added a ring gate and a metal pan as a strange footing as well as a slightly elevated bar jump. Plus lots of things to pick up, tug on, and run over. We ate one of our meals outside today - they weren't phazed by this in the least - these guys, love to eat!! Bruce was home with the babies today. Apparently, they all were much better o their trips outside today. Previously, about 1/2 followed really well, and the others, not so much. Today, that instinct kicked in for all of them and the trip to the barn went much faster :-) I'll be able to confirm this tomorrow. We've out birds (dead) in the pen for the pups two days in the row. we can't keep them in there for the long because once they pups find them, they descend on them like a pack of wild..dogs! Will be fun to see what they do with the live birds when they meet those. Their recalls are getting quite excellent as we call them in for dinner or when Bon goes in to nurse them. They sound like a herd of thundering I don't know what as they swarm into the kitchen for dinner. They spent some free time in the tv room again tonight and had a grand time though I have to re-watch most of the episode I was trying to watch - just a little distracted! Here\s a pic of their set-up today and a short clip of them when they hear us getting their dinner ready. Enjoy sharing my pain. Busy, busy pretty much sums it up! The Roadsters spent some time in their Adventure-land today, spent some time outside, saw texas rags and blind flags, went for a car ride, practised their recalls, had birds in their pen, listened to the sounds of the air force dryer, listened to their noise tapes, ate, beat up their litter mates, and enjoyed being puppies. I'm enjoying the fact that they are quiet and it's almost bedtime :-) A crazy day today, so this will be a short post.
It was a pretty nice day for November in Ottawa so the pups spent some time romping in the grass. They also had some time in Adventure-land. Today, the tunnel seemed popular with lots of fun spent chasing each other in and out. Enjoy the pics! First, Happy 5 week birthday, Roadies! How the heck did that happen?? I'm sorry but there's no way these pups are going home in 3.5 weeks! Let's reassess at 12. The Roadies got to do lots of new things today. Virgil actually deigned to hang with them for a while and they got to sniff him and follow him around the room. They had free play in a new room and had a grand time rampaging in the boot closet. They ate out of their own real little dog bowls, which is harder than it looks! They had their first car ride - no way was I carrying all 12 to the barn! And they got to spend a couple of hours in Adventure land. All this plus a walk, lots of new visitors, and, of course, a different set -up to their indoor pen. Whew, I deserve a glass of wine! So, Adventure-land starts today! It's not the full version yet because we want to make sure they know where their potty box is but's it's still at least twice as large as their indoor digs and crammed with new stuff - a new adventure box, decoys, a big tunnel, foam stairs, a jump bump, pool noodles, a little tent, and lots of toys. It was so fun to see them run around. It's safe to say a grand time was had by all. Even Bon had fun, stealing all their treats that I had placed on some of the scarier toys. As always, thanks to everyone who came to see the babies this weekend! It makes such a difference for them to get to meet and play with new people. And thanks for all the attention you give to Bon - she's having a great time too! Another busy day in the life of the Road litter. Their indoor pen has been expanded to its maximum. We moved things around again but kept the bottle pool and the bosu, although in different locations. We got a walk in this morning before the rain set in. They had lots of free play time in the kitchen and small living room, and got to hang with Uncle Cajun. We also changed up their collars a bit (thanks Catherine for your arts and crafts expertise!) to make them more visible since it's getting hard (and important) to be able to tell who is who from a distance. We also spent some time in the "barn", in prep for them to have a visit their tomorrow. Of course they ate...lamb and duck tonight. We're still feeding them on individual plates and it's quite the art to get them all directed to their own individual plate when they come rampaging in. We had help tonight - thanks Lindsay and Erin and Catherine for the help and the pics of them eating - look at those cute puppy butts! That's bosu and bottle pool. We introduced both to the Roadsters today. We're just introducing them, so the bottle pool only has a few bottles and the bosu is soft and low but both are great things for the pups to see.
We had two walks today. We actually made it to the field this am. This afternoon was so warm, we walked for a bit before everyone decided to just take a nap in the sun :-) Dinner times remain popular. They've had chicken, beef, and lamb and have enjoyed them all. Duck is on the menu for tomorrow - yum! What a day! 3 walks, 4 meals, free play, intro to the sound of the blow dryer....and they sleep. Ah! They are pretty good babies overall - unless they are hungry or want out to play - but today was a busy day and they get busier every day. Doesn't help that there are 12 of them so someone is always ready for fun. The pups continue to do well. We were able to get them outside 3 times today. Some are following really well, some so-so, and some need work but following doesn't usually turn on for a while and at different "ages" so I am thrilled with how well they are doing. They continue to eat up a storm!! They love to eat! There's a pic below of today's pen set up. It's a smidge bigger as they are doing really well with the potty box. The adventure box went back in as well as some hanging toys, and a shower mat for a new surface. And they love their cat caves1 Bon tried to play with them today - very cute! She's doing well, although very out of shape. We're back to doing some training, including some marks to get her back into shape. An active Bon, is a a happy Bon!
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